Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Polka Plant that Once Was: Hypoestes phyllostachya

Unfortunately, plants come and go, as is the cycle of nature, right?  Sometimes, though, it's not the cold, harsh weather that decides to eliminate a plant, nor the overshadowing of a bigger plant that towers over a young seedling.  I will admit that I had, and still have problems cutting back on plants.

Some plants that look so pristine sitting in their nice little pot burst into monstrous, leggy beings.  They start to grow all lopsided, awkwardly growing too far up with little bushiness. 

Poor Polka Dot.  He once, I swear, was healthy.

I was enthralled by his bright varieties of crimson red splashed throughout the pale pink and blood red leaves.  He was a perfect addition to the sunny window ledge.  I even bought him a special pot.

Polka grew fast and strong the few short months he was with me.  

A monster of a plant who couldn't grow just right.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Boston Fern Who Sat on the Fence for a While and Finally Made a Decision

I think, sometimes, that plants must have a challenging time becoming accustomed to a new setting, in a new house, with new rules and regulations.  Perhaps they even face humility looking so desolate in the face of new care takers with his four shabby leaves. Poor plants from Jewel.

All winter he was looking bad.  His home was over on the "other ledge." When he grew, he dropped his older leaves.  

So I let Jewels be.  I let him rest.  I let him compile his energy.  

What we can all become if we were just given the opportunity and time.  Of course, I haven't made any grave mistakes with him as of yet, but, who knows - maybe that will come in the future.